Park, Sohee and Das, Samir, “Cross Layer Scheduling in QUIC and Multipath QUIC for 360-degree Video Streaming,” To appear in the proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, April 21-24, 2024
Ao, Alice and Park, Sohee, “Applying Transformer-Based Computer Vision Models to Adaptive Bitrate Allocation for 360° Live Streaming,” To appear in the proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2024: WS-06: Beyond Connectivity: When Wireless Communications Meet Generative AI, April 21-24, 2024, Awarded YSEA (Yale Science of Engineering Association) Innovation Grant for Conference Presentation
Sohee Park, Minh Hoai, Arani Bhattacharya, Samir Das, "Adaptive Streaming of 360-Degree Videos with Reinforcement Learning", Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2021, Paper | PPT | Video
Sohee Park, Arani Bhattacharya, Zhibo Yang, Samir Das, Dimitris Samaras, "Mosaic: Advancing User Quality of Experience in 360-Degree Video Streaming with Machine Learning", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Special Issue "Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Network and Service Management", Paper | PPT |
Sohee Park, Arani Bhattacharya, Zhibo Yang, Mallesh Dasari, Samir Das, Dimitris Samaras, "Advancing User Quality of Experience in 360-degree Video Streaming", IFIP Networking 2019, Paper| PPT , One among Top 15 papers, Invited to Computer Communications Journal
Sohee Kim Park, “Advancing User Quality of Experience in 360-degree Video Streaming using Machine Learning and Multipath Transport Protocol “, Graduate Research Day, Stony Brook University, 2019, Best Poster in Theory/Network/Formal Methods
Sohee Kim Park, Arani Bhattacharya, Mallesh Dasari, Samir Das, Understanding User Perceived Video Quality using Multipath TCP over Wireless Network, IEEE 39th Sarnoff Symposium, 2018, Paper | PPT
Manyoung Lee, Seokwon Kim, Sohee Kim, Hongsik Shin, Jaekyu Lee, “Development of Distributed Artificial Intelligence System for Distribution Network Management”, Korea Software R&D Cooperative, The Ministry of Science and Technology of Korea, 1995
유통통신망 운용을 위한 분산형 인공지능시스템 개발
주관부처: 과학기술처
연구기관명: 한국소프트웨어개발연구조합
연구원: 이만영, 김석원, 김소희
책임연구원: 신홍식
협동연구기관: 과학기술원
발행일: 1994년 12월
Seokwon Kim, Sohee Kim, Hongsik Shin, “Building a Distributed Artificial Intelligence System Development Environments”, Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society, Korea 1994
김석원, 김소희, 신홍식. (1994). 분산형 인공지능시스템 개발 환경의 구축. 한국지능정보시스템학회 학술대회논문집, (), 117-123.